Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fresh and Shiny

Happiest of the happy new years to you! I hope it's a wonderful start to an incredible year. I'm certain that's the case here at Trove HQ.

Sparky and I have spent the best part of the last three days clearing out the studio and getting organised, so I'm feeling particularly upbeat and prepared for the year ahead. Miss Isy has very much enjoyed her first official silly season, and all three of us are keenly looking forward to our first camping trip coming up soon. It's. all. good.

I've yet to take any artfully staged, blog-worthy shots of the refreshed studio, but I will. Promise.

I can, however, show you the abomination we were faced with upon opening the door for the first time since the Christmas madness ended. And, can I just say, I am incredibly, unequivocally ashamed.

Fireworks image from here.

1 comment:

myredscooter said...

Oh. That looks better than my studio! Happy New Year Brooke!