Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fresh and Shiny

Happiest of the happy new years to you! I hope it's a wonderful start to an incredible year. I'm certain that's the case here at Trove HQ.

Sparky and I have spent the best part of the last three days clearing out the studio and getting organised, so I'm feeling particularly upbeat and prepared for the year ahead. Miss Isy has very much enjoyed her first official silly season, and all three of us are keenly looking forward to our first camping trip coming up soon. It's. all. good.

I've yet to take any artfully staged, blog-worthy shots of the refreshed studio, but I will. Promise.

I can, however, show you the abomination we were faced with upon opening the door for the first time since the Christmas madness ended. And, can I just say, I am incredibly, unequivocally ashamed.

Fireworks image from here.

New Addition!

Everyone, meet Bosci*. Bosci, everyone.

One of my sisters and her family (of seven!) are travelling around Australia for the next year, and Sparky, Isy and myself have adopted their border collie, Bosci, for the duration. She is a beautiful dog with a gorgeous nature, and is so wonderful around Isla. It's taking a bit of time for her to settle in - there's been some digging incidents - but it's so great to have a dog around again. It's been a long time for me, and I've missed it.

*Bosci is short for Fettucine Bosciola. As in the pasta dish. As in...
"Honey, we really need to name the dog. It's been two weeks, it's getting ridiculous... What's for dinner?"
"Fettucine Bosciola."

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lovely Features

I was lucky enough to meet the gorgeous Amanda from indie blog Calico & Co at the recent Finders Keepers market, and was chuffed when she asked to feature Trove in her regular Monday's Spotlight column. You can see the interview here and you may be interested in the sneaky little reader special going til the end of January.

(*cough cough* 25% off *cough*)

Looky Looky...

Got my shots from yesterday's lookbook shoot back today. Needless to say, I am stoked. And I have the most gorgeous model ever. And the speediest and greatest photographer going round.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Exciting Things!

It's been an exciting year in both business and life at large, and I plan on doing one of those retrospective, "The Year That Was" type posts soon. But for now, let me tell you of the exciting businessy things that are in the works right this very moment.

- New Website! Set to launch in February, this one will be fully equipped with an excellent shopping cart, a blog and other nice things. I'm quite excited!

- Photoshoot! With a real human model! I've enlisted the help of a very talented photographer relative and a very beautiful friend and will be shooting all three collections between now and New Years. Totally excited!

- Trade Show! Our first foray into trade shows, via Life in Style, is rapidly approaching (Febraury - hence the work-in-the-Christmas-break-time urgency of said photoshoot) and I'm getting nervous. And excited.

- Catalogue! The photoshoot will culminate in a (hopefully) beautiful 16-page lookbook. So excited!

- Currently working on new collection ideas and hoping to soon start research/development on a range on home decor. Incredibly excited!

I suppose it's fair to say that I am excited about a lot of things for the coming year. And that's just the business. Wait till you hear about what the year holds for the Sparky, Isy and myself.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cute Attack!

It's been an exceptionally busy couple of months and I'm only just getting back to some kind of normality. I'm going through approximately 2391 photos that remain unsorted and stumbled upon this little gem.

At the November Magnolia Square market in Sydney, we were lucky enough to setup shop next to the best hatmakers in Australia, Truffaux, and hurriedly purchased three of their finest. Isy is the best model one could ask for.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Joy

We've had a delightful Christmas over here at Chez Trove. Particularly delightful, as it was our first as a family of three. And even though Miss Isy is a little too young to really 'get' Christmas, Sparky and I had a ball! And the bub thought that wrapping paper was the best thing ever.

I hope you all have had wonderful Christmases/holidays with family and friends.

As usual, thoughts now turn to 2010, but I'm trying to keep them at bay. Just for another day or two. The weather is so drizzly and lovely. Perfect for cricket watching. Leftover eating. Tea drinking. Toy playing. Book reading. Husband snuggling. Baby tickling.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I'm not dead. Promise. Just very. very. busy.