Sunday, April 13, 2008

What a weekend!!

Oh, what an awesome weekend I've had!! Firstly, I got a haircut and colour - not the most spectacular news, but when you consider it's been 10 MONTHS since my last one, and that I walked into the hairdresser a blonde and came out a brunette, it certainly put a little wiggle in my walk!

Today I had the pleasure of taking a bqueen resin workshop at Barnes in Newtown, where I learnt the basics of casting more sculptural pieces of jewellery (and consequently have been inspired to get cracking on that range too). It was a LOT of fun and I'll post a photo of the sweet cuff and rings I made tomorrow when it's light enough to take a good photo. I was rather impressed with myself!

When I got home I had an email from Jess at modamuse saying my work had been added today. I must say, the photos they've taken are great - really crisp and clear. So stoked to see Trove represented on another wonderful Aussie site!!

I also had a very pleasant surprise last night to see that art & design blog indie has my Life Aquatic Earrings featured as part of the promo for a Georgie Love birthday giveaway! (Check it out - you can win a $50 voucher for GL = shopping fun-ness!!)

Another busy Monday tomorrow - soldering to do, plating to pick up, 5 million acrylic shapes to cut and some excellently fun new papers to play with!!

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