Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh, to be in Scandinavia...

Where it is nice and cool (freezing) and the design is fabulous.

Sparky and I are on a cool-blonde-wood, white walls and quirky additions bender at the moment and have found much happiness in Scandinavian design lately. Etsy, as always, has offered up AMAZING finds.

This beautiful, hand-knit reindeer is quirky and gorgeous. I wish we had a fireplace to hang it over.

While this magical bed just blows. my. mind.

Both of these pieces come from Helsinki-based Atilla Design.

This sweet little Swedish Step Stool Bench. from thestephenworks. is simple and gorgeous.

Jane Foster brings us this fabbo little apple screen print which I can see in our unbuilt, only roughly planned timber, white and black kitchen...

And, I just love this Leentu chair from Lunar Lounge Design.

Well, enough dreaming for the day. I have much to do and more than enough time to do it. (A lovely predicament!)


1 comment:

Georgie Love said...

Oh my goodness, the bed! Which I briefly imagined in our bedroom, which would be hideous here!

Loving all the blog posts of late! Same thing happened to me while preg, struck by the wonder of EVERYTHING. :-)