Monday, June 1, 2009

My weekend...

...was spectacular!

Sparky, Miss Is and I took the weekend off, headed to the coast and did a whole lot of eatin', coffee-drinkin', laughin', relaxin' and g-droppin'.

This was the view from the comfy daybed in our room. Not bad.

And while the weather was tres ordinaire, we did not care. The weekend papers were read, the coffee was excellent, the meals were fab and the company was the best.

Miss Is has decided to celebrate her three-month birthday by becoming much more engaging, delightful and, at times, challenging. It's far more difficult to convince a three month old that yes, it is in fact time for a sleep, than it was to convince a two month old. The pay-off is that she's discovering new things every day (some of the sounds are amazing, considering the size of her) and we get to tag along for the ride. Pretty sweet deal I think.

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